26 thoughts on “12/20/20 Interesting article

  1. For myself, I have known most of that for quite awhile. For about 9 months, I worked at GlaxoSmithKline. How they handled their toxic waste was absolutely criminal. Of course, telling anyone about the problems would leave you without a job. Been there-that. Tomorrow is the start of The Age of Aquarius ! Brighter Future Ahead !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Winterthur is a Swiss Insurance company, never heard that this is a German Building Company. Is there any evidence available, please?


  3. Yep – “All In The Family@ and people thought that was just a TV show.
    ‘The family’ goes back 2,000 years – from the days of the Kings.
    The plot just thickened and yes as said here ‘what a tangled web we weave’…
    I also love to quote part of Shakespear (who was also a cabal ! 😳)
    “All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players;
    They have their exits and their entrances,
    And one man in his time plays many parts……..”


  4. Voltaire once quipped, “History is a pack of lies agreed upon.” This is yet another of an endless string of lies throughout history. The way Fauci (and Gates, Soros, CDC, WHO, etc., etc.) get away with so much evil is that the “sheeple” don’t pay attention to what’s going on. Plus, there is the “closed mind” syndrome which goes something like, “Don’t bother me with the facts; my mind is made up.” Well, truth be known, “Truth is not told, it must be discovered.”
    I’m still believing that God is working amazing things through President Trump and that we are going to see a major house cleaning (like Nick has been faithfully reporting). Then, let the blessings roll!!!


  5. Nick being this is Sunday I am sure you will not get the updates for Monday until Monday.
    SO having said that, when you do get something and say we have been given the green light, can you please make sure you ask the questions like what is the RV rate so we can check it with the people who are exchanging our notes to make sure they did not lower our rate to only later on exchange it again for them to get what they shaved off our rate.
    AND GET A DEFINiTIVE RESPONSE for the questions of 800#’s and redemption centers verses Banking institutions. Which one is it? If both then are they honoring the same rate and again what is that rate.

    I can not imagine that anybody would just make a post “saying its go time” and leave us to the wolfs/scammers without first attempting to put an end to bad information. We all want to go to the correct place at the correct time and get the correct rate with plenty of time to do it, etc 10 days. Please ask these questions and help to put a stop to all this misinformation. Misinformation only serves one purpose and that is fraud, that is the reason why its out there so expect it to happen Nick. For several weeks the above misinformation has been out there and even though we have had several info updates, nobody has attempted to get rid of any of that conflicting information. It is my feeling that December 21 and 22 could be GO TIME Nick and if we do not get those questions answered there will be people scammed into selling their currency for a lower rate, not to mention that POTUS wants the redeeming finished before the 24th. According to my math that only gives us 3 days to do our exchanges not 10 days. That is another question
    that”WE The People” would really appreciate you getting an answer for. Thank you in advance Nick for what all you have done to help us and what you will do in getting answers to the above questions so we can protect what probably will be the only opportunity we will ever have to make such a difference for GOOD in this World and for our children and hopefully our children’s children too.
    Mark Leonard.


  6. great article.They are all tied together aren’t they?

    On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 11:11 AM Nicks Intel Update wrote:

    > nvfleming posted: ” ” >


  7. Wow, I just do not get why the people arn’t grabbing clubs and torches and beating these scumbags to a pulp. Look at what they have done to so many. Just wrong freakin wrong.


  8. I know trump is not ok with a vaccine that is dirty, can someone answer me if the vaccine being used right now is from pfizer?


  9. I really would like the source on the ownership of the Wuhan lab (GlaxoSmithKline. Didn’t think the Chinese would permit “foreign” ownership of top secret lab. Not saying it isn’t true, but it is an outrageous claim and it should be sourced, and not just stated as a fact. It is an explosive claim and deserves supporting info.


  10. Boyohboyohboy, that sure is a whole bunch of crazy coincidences. As our friend “the cue” would say, when does it become mathematically impossible for these to all be coincidences?


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