11/06/20 Afternoon Update

Our military intel contact said not true; he said again just a bit ago that the RV shotgun release is STILL being released right now leading to T4B notifications over next 96 hours, as he reported over the past 24 -36 hours, even as election fraud is being exposed;
. He reiterated that Trump’s election win will be confirmed no matter what Deep State Dems & Deep State fake stream media say—what they say DOES NOT MATTER—he agrees with Dr Charlie Ward yesterday Thu 5 Nov & his White House, RV team, & Alliance sources that Trump is CALM (& so we should be too) because (1) Trump’s election win WILL be CONFIRMED, (2) SCOTUS Judge Amy Coney Barrett has ALREADY certified the QFS blockchain encrypted watermarks on LEGAL ballots, (3) Trump HAS ALRADY WON by over 80% of the vote ( https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/11/charlie-ward-all-is-calm-potus-in.html?m=1 ) and (4) Trump and all behind the scenes ALREADY know this and know that nice cozy cots in military prisons and GITMO are awaiting Biden crime family Deep State Dems and co-conspirators, including CCP Chinese spies in this country.

42 thoughts on “11/06/20 Afternoon Update

  1. Waiting to see it happen is worse then waiting for christmas morning!! Thanks for the update Nick..


  2. Nick.

    This is a lot of wonderful intel. And along with everyone else, hope that it all comes to fruition. We need to keep the faith, but this needs to happen within the 96 hours. 😊👍


  3. Time to put the corruption behind us and make America Great Again with our blessings it can be accomplished!


  4. I’m sorry, but how can you cite a source that writes “If you’re very very nervous you need to look inside yourself… and find your Spiritual side… and get detached from the 3rd Dimension… and join those of us who have crossed over into the 5th Dimension and above” and “We are living in a “show.” Our current world is comprised of clones, CGI images, actors and body doubles”?

    This is just plain weird new age garbage and, in my opinion, negates any legitimate “intel” or useful information that also might be included in that post.

    And we’ve been hearing GITMO has been filling up for years.

    Sorry to be a naysayer but this “rinse & repeat” rehashed information only plays on the fears of desperate people looking for a parachute. I’ve seen just about everything in my 12 years waiting for this to happen. Tell me something new!


  5. I hope you have a moment for this:
    I would love it if somehow the water mark thing is true.

    However, states must print their own ballots so they can accommodate their state and local candidate elections.

    How, therefore, could there be an invalid ballot?

    How could the Fed Gov’t have a water mark on ballots the state printed?



    1. I have a photo of the “water mark“ from the Sting Op, but it won’t cut & paste into this box, darn it.
      I took a screen shot from the retired
      CIA guy video. Maybe you can see it there.


    2. We are lead to believe that DOJ supervised the ballot form and the safeguard features within it, although individual States could print their own ballots. If any state ballot legally contains the “watermark” and other possibly not publicized safeguards, IMO it would not be a difficult task to identify rogue ballots, especially, as has been suggested, few outside of the DOJ and Administration knew of these safeguards when ballots were being printed.


  6. Thank you very much for your time and efforts.

    Whatever happened that this was 100% would happen before the November 3rd Presidential election?


    1. Nick.

      Plans changed? What does that mean? It would appear, new “stuff” was suddenly thrown into the pot, that we never heard of. What’s or who is to say on the 11th, yep, things changed again. Things changed, have always resulted in delays. The 11th, doesn’t appear to be a back wall, as others have called it. Or before. This is deja vu, and more upsetting, since the election is such a mess. And NO ONE, who contribute intel, who was part of the group, that gave us these new dates can be credible enough, to assure us, that we are at the finish line.

      It is obvious, even though some of the intel informants may have or be in the know, and may be “CONNECTED”, to those in the know, have never been correct. It begs the question, when will, there won’t be anymore language, that include, “Things changed”? … Again.
      Lastly, pundits and naysayers, were the ONLY posts, that were “SPOT ON”, and correctly “called it”, as Bruce says. And we can presume, they are not, “CONNECTED”, to Government agencies and high positioned individuals, as did everyone else, who has told us, thousands of times, RV B4 the election. We were told, I can’t count anymore, how many times, B4 the election! It didn’t happen. I GUESS …………………,……….


      Liked by 1 person

    1. Nick.

      We have thought positive and prayed for YEARS! And when we were told, deja vu, we have found truth, in the proverbial saying, “If you keep on doing things the same way, you will always get, the same results!


    1. Cynthia

      Charlie Wards convictions, at 100% is powerful. However, I have been understood, that people who vote, do so with their phones and computers. So that would suggest, Trump got thousands or millions of people, secretly voted by QFS and ballot, so they could CONFIRM and show the difference, that would suggest voter fraud..l

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Great piece! I believe that Trump is a master 5-level chess player who conceived, planned, and carried out (unbeknown to practically everyone) this brilliant sting op. I have to admit, I doubted it, and therefore, I am going to arrest myself and banish myself to the People’s Republic of Hawaii right after the RV.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Fernando.

    Well soon, we will know if your INTELLIGENCE game, as you termed it, is correct or was just a “game”


  8. Ready BIDEN won the elections, we can return with the focus on our money and our release.
    Let’s stop traveling on mayonnaise with these ridiculous theories that are spoken without any basis.

    hugs my FLEMING Friend.


    1. There is massive FACTS about voter fraud. Anyone who can’t see that, is legally blind and deaf.

      But you are correct about focusing on the RV. That is paramount to our tasji, regardless who is President.


    2. The media can’t determine the president-elect.

      JB: [his campaign, like Obama’s, has put together] the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”.

      Now go back to 1948 and Dewey and 2000 with Gore: illusion for optics…


  9. Nick, Biden just announced as 46th president of the U.S. How does this square with what we have been told that Trump legally won the election? The longer it takes to reveal the illegal votes, the more difficult it will be to make their case to 50% of a nation that wants to move on. If they have compelling proof, now is the time to reveal it IMO.


    1. The TRUTH, TRUMPS the timing. Patience. Let it play out, while we wait for the RV. Maybe, this is what we have been told for years, is the “cover” or smokescreen for the RV release.


  10. The media doesn’t get to decide who wins an election. I don’t care if they’re dancing in the streets. And you thought they were crying in 2016. Watch for it…


  11. AMEN!! I’m ready 🐪🐫🐪🐫

    Love you dear friend!!! 💓

    On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 6:32 PM Nicks Intel Update wrote:

    > nvfleming posted: ” Our military intel contact said not true; he said > again just a bit ago that the RV shotgun release is STILL being released > right now leading to T4B notifications over next 96 hours, as he reported > over the past 24 -36 hours, even as election fraud is bei” >


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