08/21/2021 The Freedom Tribe


The Freedom Tribe includes everyone that heard about the vision for VND, IQD, ZIM, etc., and believed in this incredible vision – our right to be free. All wonderful Freedom Tribe members are now waiting at the table, ready for the glorious repast to be served. To all the open-hearted souls, able to grasp the importance of this time and this day, we honor you. You are the Kingdom come. You are the future. You carry the hearts and minds of great nations in your capable hands. Your time has come.

The repast we mention will include 23 currencies, including Zimbabwe Government Bonds. The choice you make in this moment will determine your appetite for busyness, because the TO DO list is never-ending. It’s going to take every able-bodied person to restore the Grace and Beauty – everywhere, that is our birthright.

This is all made possible by the commitment to Prosperity and Freedom, by the good people in Iraq, who together with wise advisors, pushed through the mire, and muck, and countless obstacles, and facilitated this rate change, along with a change of heart. The decades long war of brother and sister against brother and sister (Suni vs Kurds), is recognized for what it is. The People of Iraq, and of Iran, and every North African, sovereign nation state, will be getting to the task of delivering their people to Health and Healing Decades of Abuse. It begins with education and patience. In Iraq, they began early this week, educating the People with Jumbotrons, set up in town squares, sharing the feed to TVs everywhere, stating that Iraq is a SOVEREIGN FREE NATION, committed to Freedom. They told the People that all will receive money along with all the help needed, to restore this damaged country to greatness. They only have to believe it, do their part, and little by little, they will feel whole and safe, and know this is true. Corruption is ended.

It’s time for optimism and hope to see a huge resurgence.

As goes Iraq, so goes the sovereign nation of UNITED STATES.

The long-standing and most effective “weapon” of globalists always is artificially inflated interethnic conflict. This is ending now. We, in Tier 4 B say NO MORE. There will be no more wars brought on by propaganda spewed separatists’ agenda. CRT – critical race theory, will become something to laugh about, a joke for the funny pages. We are ONE PEOPLE – we are HUMANITY. We do not serve any agenda that incites war. We serve only Health and Healing, Family, and our right to live joyfully, with prosperity, and No Lack Whatsoever.

This restoration will be achieved with wisdom and with teamwork. Assembling your capable team will be the first task for each of us. Start with your Private Banking relationship and spread out from there. The CODES WERE ENTERED SUCCESSFULLY IN THE WEE HOURS, AND ALL IS FLOWING OUR WAY. Rejoice! Prosperity and Peace begins right now.